The Sonoran Pirates (aka Son-Rats) is a team of mountain bikers from AZ, MI, CA, CO, MD, PA, UT, TX, ID & The U.K. The team was established in 2004.
Across the ranks they try and hold true to their fundamental belief that...
"the only thing that matters is that you ride... not how fast you ride... nor the gear upon which you ride."
Merry Christmas Dad (aka Bus Stop)
Merry Christmas pops... here is your xmas present from JnLnS...
Frame: Titus Motolite
Suspension: Fox RP23 Shock / Fox Talas RL Fork
Brakes: Avid BB-7 Mech Disc
Drive Train: SRAM X.9 Shifters, Rear Der, X.7 Front Der
Wheels: Mavic 717 Rims / XT Hubs
Crankset/Chain: Shimano LX
Handlebars/Stem: Easton EA-70 / Vice
Seatpost: Richey Pro
Masa takes down the 4x4
Tomorrow is the official start of our training for the 2010 24 Hrs ITOP. In honor of this milestone we decided to try out the new In&Out burger off I-10 in South Tucson for lunch. Masa went big and took down a 4x4 Animal Style Burger, Fries, & a Chocolate Shake. Congratulations Masa on your momentus achievement!
In&Out Secret Menu
Need Another Rider
Current team is a 5 person Coed and consists of:
Mt. Goat
Silent Ed
Willkommenes Ausbilder Chaos
Spoked Bacon is Registered
I didn't ride today...
but the mountain goat did... on facebook he posted that he rode his Niner Air 9 in the snow today... and my lazy backside opted to ride the couch instead of my bike... i suck...
Plutonium Rods Team Registered
Monkey Mastication is registered...
Masa, Magellan, EL A, Bus Stop, & Belgarath are registered as a 5 Person Coed team named "Sonoran Pirates Monkey Mastication" in the 2010 24 Hours in the Old Pueblo. Lance Uppercut is riding solo (crazy bastard). Looking for a team? Add a comment... I am helping to coordinate team formation.
Introducing... the new Sonoran Pirates Logo
I just confirmed the design with our graphics designer. I expect to receive the package of high quality files in the next week or so. I will figure out how to make them available to everyone on the team. All team members are free to use the graphic. We will be working on a team jersey based on this design soon. Cheers!
Yakima Sprocket Rocket
Chainsaw & I installed a new Yakima rack system with 4 x Sprocket Rocket bike trays on the new Honda Pilot this afternoon (thanks bro!). I am very pleased with the design and the overall quality of the system. I'll report back after the system has some use.
yakima sprocket rocket
Uno Bicycle Studio Opens in Civano (Tucson, AZ)
Owner: Bruce Rhoades
Phone: 520-867-8799
Location: Tucson, AZ (Civano)
Bikes: Yeti, Ibis, Seven, Van Dessel
Final Vote...
and the winner is...
I am happy to announce that the winner and new sonoran pirate logo is... E. Thank you very much to all of the other letters for your participation.
A few have suggested the need for minor changes to this design. I now open the forum (via comments to this post) and will go with what I consider to be the consensus on Wednesday morning. If there is strong disagreement I may use the voting process to settle the difference.
& in the morn... we ride
24 Hours of Big Bear
FS: Rocky Mountain Switch ($800)
Chad's selling his Rocky Mountain Switch. This bike is in excellent shape and saw very little use. He has to make room for his new Ellsworth so his loss is your gain. This is a great inexpensive way to try your hand at some freeriding.
craigslist add
Race Across the Sky - Leadville 100
Join us! Thu. 10/22 @ 8pm
Park Place Mall, Tucson AZ.
documentary website
other theatres
Mountain Bike Technical Manuals
mtb tech manuals
The "Dirty T"
It's great to be back in Tucson. I'm surrounded by great friends, who love to ride! Their attitude is contageous my inner fire and pashion to ride are back with a fury! Sadly they were nearly burnt out over the past five years of living in Phoenix, the city with a average tempature that is 3 degrees cooler than hell.
Im selling the M1A1 Switch I have been struggling to pedal, and am currently in the build process of my new Ellsworth Evolve! Hearing all the great things Magellan has to say about this bike I figured it would be impossible to go wrong! Build should be done in a month!
Im ready to RIDE.
another friend of the bible...
Founding pirate (and my brother-in-law) Chadski... picked up this new Ellsworth Evolve this week. I'm very stoked for him to get back out on the trail.
Ellsworth Interbike Booth
7 Pirates - Tour of the White Mountains
The pirates had 7 participants in the Tour of the White Mountains on Saturday. Please welcome "MK" to the pirates on his first event.
35 Mile - Men's Open (132 riders)
L.Uppercut - 9th / 03:29:46.29
McLovin - 42nd / 04:12:28.12
Pescadito - 58th / 04:28:15.80
Magellan - 59th / 04:28:16.84
El Hefe - 105th / 05:33:03.93
35 Mile - Single Speed Male (18 riders)
Sen. Masa - 11th / 04:11:00.53
15 Mile - Men's Masters (17 riders)
MK - 11th / 02:35:45.72
more pics
official results
event website
Results Note: Pescadito & I ended in a 200 meter sprint finish that he won by a wheel length. However, the time keepers screwed up & gave me the win.
CrossVegas 2009
LanceUppercut & I enjoyed the CrossVegas race after aimlessly wandering through Interbike this past Wednesday. Good time.
Pirate Bicycle Head Badge
This aluminum bicycle head badge is self sticking and available to buy for $11.50 at wcfanshop. Thanks to Lance Uppercut for sending me an email link (but being too lazy to post it).
Tandem Robo-Biker Pedals For You
"Joules is a robot designed to KILL! pedal the back of a tandem bicycle. And I can honestly say I have absolutely no interest in biking down the street getting ****** by a robot names Joules.
'He's the creation of a guy called Chris who, challenged by his son to create an electric tandem that worked via pedal power, more than satisfied the brief.
The nuts-and-bolts robot is powered by a PMG-132 electric motor and, unlike most lazy-assed back-end tandem riders, does all the work himself.'
Yeah but no but no. As much as I do hate pedaling myself, I'd rather walk my bike up a hill than have this jerk do the work for me. You hear that, Lance Failstrong? YOU WILL NEVER PEDAL ME!"
25 hrs in Frog Hollow (Oct.31-Utah)
During Daylight Savings weekend (hence 25 hours). Halloween Night, I can only imagine the outfits. In the desert, weather normally 70s day time, 40s nights during this time of year. Charity for this race is: 50% for local trail building and maintenance and the other 50% to the IMBA. The race is in Hurricane, Utah.
25 Hrs In Frog Hollow
Wonder how this would work for camping at the 24?
Bike Thieves Caught on CCTV in Bristol
The move towards Socialism invites public surviellance (think 1984). If you have lived or visited the UK you probably know that the CCTV cameras are everywhere. In this case... some wankers are caught on camera nicking a bicycle.
two rides + one tour = a hot dog?
Tue. 8/25 @545am - Fantasy Island (Irvington Side) - 1 hr ride
Thu. 8/27 @545am - Fantasy Island (Irvington Side) - 1 hr ride
Sat. 10/3 - Tour of the White Mountains... I'm down... sign up
Joke too horrible not to share...
The road walks up to the bartender, orders a drink and asks, "Hey, what's the twitchy guy's problem?"
The bartender says, "Stay away from that guy. He's a cycle path."
Energy Return Bicycle
During my quest to find a profitable way to get into bike industry... I ran into yet another odd bicycle design concept. Join the Erbolution. FYI... I pulled the pic off an ebay add.
Looking for Feedback...
The New Texas Training Instrument
Arizona Trail & The Texan
McLovin (aka The Texan) was in town for Pescadito's birthday this weekend. Magellan, Lance Uppercut, McLovin, Hefe (aka Tortuga), & Pescadito rode the Arizona trail @ o-dark-30 today. Good ride. Thanks to Uppercut for the pics.
more pics
Mountain Bike Tubulars?
The Geax Saguaro... a tubular mountain bike tire? Check out this article from Mountain Bike Action's March 2009 issue. Can someone tell me why?
thrustpac... seriously
The inventor of this contraption visited Lance Uppercut at the shop last week. Who in turn sent me a link to this site...
I was reading some archive blogs on BikeRumor and ran across this interview of Dejay Birch who works with Lance Uppercut at Arizona Cyclist.
Bike porn... Ellsworth & Surly
We now have several fool proof and redundant security systems established to safe guard our bicycles... the next prospective thief won't be so fortunate.
I converted my Surly Cross Check from a flat to a drop bar set-up.
Ride Tomorrow Morning!
Rosaryville Ride - Plus Chino Crashing!!!
Stolen: Ellsworth Evolve
Hey team... my ride was stolen from my garage on Friday... please keep your eyes open on the trail & on-line for it... Black, Large, Ellsworth Evolve w/ Brookes Saddle, X.9 & XT, Fox Fr & Rr, King & Thompson etc. Get a license plate and call the police if you think you have spotted the bicycle. I do not want anyone getting physically hurt.
This was a Class 3 Felony in Arizona for which a person can be sent to prison for a maximum of 8.75 years or put on probation and sent to the county jail for a maximum of one year. The maximum fine is $150,000.00.
Ask Chopper on 29'ers
#1. Downhillers are not trendy metrosexuals wearing shants, chainlink jewelry and festooned with soon-to-be regretted tattoes related to bike exploits.
#2. By the time you put a DH tire on a 29er you would have to register it as a carnival attraction.
#3. The only thing worse than a 29er evangelist is a fixed-gear poser.
#4. The 29er is like parachute pants.
Now that's some funny shit right there.
Crested Butte?
Crested Butte Info
Preview of Pirates Sedona Memorial Day Weekend Trip
All I could think is this is gonna hurt...
So Derek and I went for a ride here in Denver, in the Green Mountain area. Cool place, neat trails, little bit rutty with some loose stuff. We are about 50 ft from the car when I hit one of those ruts and the loose stuff. The Lizard Skin Lock-on Grip made an impression when it came in to contact with my thigh. The grip went in 2 inches, missed arteries, but it left a nice hole for the doctor to sew up after the ambulance took me to the hospital. I thought that Derek was gonna pass out from seeing my open flesh wound. This is on my front left thigh half way between the knee and the hip. There are 14 external stitches and about 5-6 internal stitches to sew the muscle together where it was torn. I wanted a before shot but the hospital wouldn't let him take one..Damn! It will be a couple of weeks before I am riding again, but in the mean time I'll be looking for less evil grips!
Elephant Head MTB Challenge 2009
Memorial Weekend Trip to Sunrise Park
Whos in?