
An interview with... Brad Knox

Brad Knox is an up and coming mountain bike racer based out of Tucson, Arizona who sometimes goes by the moniker "Lance Uppercut". I recently had a chance to catch up with him and get the skinny on the 2010 MBAA series and his purported connection to the Audio Cyclist cartel.

Magellan: Let's get straight to the issue... you won every race in your division in the 2010 MBAA race series but got 2nd place, what's the deal? 
Brad: Well the MBAA (mountain bike association of arizona) offers points towards the state championship for doing trail maintenance, which i think is a great idea, but they give you a lot of points for doing so, which i don't agree with.  I was unable to attend any of the scheduled trail days, due to work and living in Tucson.  Most of the trail days were in northern AZ.  So the guy who ended up winning, his best finish was a 2nd place in two of the races, a 3rd and a 4th, putting him 19 points behind me going into the final race to 21 points ahead of me after the volunteer points were awarded, putting him out of reach from me.  All he had to do was finish, and he did.

Magellan: When did you get into mountain biking?
Brad: Seriously, the last 3 or 4 years.

Magellan: Are you sponsored?
Brad: Nope

Magellan: What bikes are you currently riding?
Brad: Currently I just have my Specialized Epic Marathon 29er, the road bike is still on the sidelines with a hole in the top tube. I did however just pull a old steel Schwinn out of a trash can,

Magellan: What's your training schedule like?
Brad: I ride when I can, which is not enough!

Magellan: You've done some product testing for Audio Cyclist... what's that about?
Brad: A few of the pirates are designing and producing audio interval training workouts for iTunes.  I was lucky enough to get my hands on the first workout and provide feedback.  This first workout is a 45 minute interval.  Its a great workout to do after work on the spin bike in the living room.  Dont tell them but I already put it online and am selling copies of it myself.  

Magellan: Do you do any cross training?
Brad: I run every now and again and use the spin bike when i cant get outside on the bike.  There is a mini tri in Long Beach in September that is a great possibility, so I better start learning to swim without flippers and a snorkel. 

Magellan: What's your next event?
Brad: I have a 5k Run next saturday, then 2 weeks after that is the Barn Burner in Flagstaff AZ which I am doing as a duo with my bro.  It is a 104mile endurance event that has 4, 26 mile laps.  The goal is under 8hrs to get the prize of a belt buckle, its bigger if you finish under 8hrs, small under 10 hours.

Magellan: Final question: have you ever used steroids?
Brad: Not yet.


Uno Bicycle Studio

As you may recall... this is not my first post on Uno Bicycle Studio. However, the owner, Bruce Rhoades, helped me out today and I thought it equitable to remind you all about his business.

Uno Bicycle Studio carries bikes from Seven, Sycip, Yeti, Ibis, Van Dessel, Vassago, and All City Cycles. The studio is located in East Tucson in the Civano community off Houghton between Valencia & Irvington. The bikes are cool and not run of the mill, the location is also interesting, and Bruce appears to be a knowledgeable and nice guy. I recommend you go and check out Bruce's studio.

10501 E. Seven Generations Way Suite 121
Tucson, AZ. 85747

(520)867-8799 / info@unobicyclestudio.com

Tuesday-Friday 10-6 / Saturday 9-5 / Sunday & Monday... OFF RIDING!!!


Yet another reason these child seats are dangerous...



landis says brad is on steroids

Looks like brad just took first in the Flagstaff Finale Bike Race.  Once again, making someone else look like this kid.

Good job Brad!


a triumphant return to the ring...

Heading up for a three day weekend at the in-laws cabin on Mount Graham. Home of the Mount Graham Hill Climb and some excellent hiking trails. We are bringing up the skinny tired bikes and will hopefully get in a ride each day!


JHickey... hang your bike

Today on bikerumor.com I ran into this interesting product that costs $15.95 and purportedly can turn just about anything into a bike hanger or maintenance stand.

check it out... JHickey Hang 'n' Stand


Remembering Mt Lemmon a Year Ago

Good Times - I'll Be Back!

Jet 9 Build Complete!

Here she is!! after a long time of staring at a box of parts it is finally complete. Special thanks to Brad for helping with the build along the way... now I just need to go and ride it!! Niner Jet 9


help! $50k grant for arizona trail

The Arizona Trail is a top 10 finalist in this year's Redwood Creek Wines Greater Outdoors project. Help the Arizona Trail score a $50,000 grant by voting daily between now and August 31st. Vote Here

ellsworth truth & niner jet 9

Two pirates are building up custom rigs this week...

el a is moving to a cross country platform by going from a Pink Ellsworth Epiphany to a Pink Ellsworth Truth

hefe is building up his new Niner Jet 9


Mountain Goat rides Front Range 50

This morning Mountain Goat knocked out the Front Range 50 endurance mountain bike race in Lakewood, Colorado. He said the last 10 miles were a bitch. Great job brother.
Front Range 50


The Sonoran Pirates Jersey by Primal

El Hefe has spent a large amount of time working with Primal to come up with this jersey design. We have a minimum order of 12 jerseys. Our cost of the jersey is $60/ea (plus whatever is costs us to ship it to you from Tucson). AudioCyclist.com is sponsoring this batch jerseys by covering 5% of the jersey cost + whatever it costs to ship it to you. Bottom line is... it will cost you $57/ea.

Take a look at the sizing chart and send me an email or comment to this post with the specifics of what you would like to order. There is one graphical feature that you can't see in the picture... it says SONORANPIRATES.com in our cool font up the both sides of the jersey. We think it turned out kick ass.

Ellsworth Demo at Starr Pass May 8th, 8am

Posted on Facebook:

Come out to Starr Pass in Tucson on May 8 @ 8:00 a.m., and try out an Evolve!! Ellsworth bikes will be hosting a factory demo at Starr Pass and you need to be there. Meet the Ellsworth crew, and try out a new Ellsworth bike. We will be set up at the Starr Pass trailhead from 8 am til noon. Come try that bike you've always wanted, and maybe take on home with you.

I'm not going to be in town but all the Pirates should go and try out an Ellsworth, I know all of us that have one know they are the absolute best and all of you should at least demo one.


don't forget your skewer

McLovin pointed out this commercial as I have a tendency to forget my skewer... bummer that I have no wheelie skills...


Barn Burner 6/19

Barn Burner (4x26mile laps) looks like it will be a blast and you get a cool belt buckle if you finish in time. The Knox bros are doing it as a duo, I am putting together a 4 person team if anyone wants to go up with me.