The Sonoran Pirates (aka Son-Rats) is a team of mountain bikers from AZ, MI, CA, CO, MD, PA, UT, TX, ID & The U.K. The team was established in 2004.
Across the ranks they try and hold true to their fundamental belief that...
"the only thing that matters is that you ride... not how fast you ride... nor the gear upon which you ride."
Wed Night Ride Cancelled...
Ray and Diana's last night in town. We are having dinner at our place. Feel free to drop by and say goodbye.
big sorry to justin & dave...
lacey & I had unexpected guests last night... we drank too much... stayed up too long... and just couldn't make the ride... we suck...
Don't Shoot the Bed!
Warren Riding in Tour De Cure
Warren (my dad) is not deterred by his recent over-the-handlebars mountain biking incident. (aka a trip to the ER + a strained shoulder ligament). He is riding in Brighton, Michigan this Sunday (June 8th) in support of the American Diabetes Association Tour de Cure. Good luck!
Tour de Cure Website
Good Bye - Ray & Family
Well... Ray, Diane, Alexis, & Athena head off to Costa Rica in route to Maryland this week (odd route I have to admit). We are all very sad to see them leave Tucson. We love you guys! Keep your heads up pirates... we are planning to reconvene with Ray & his girls in New York City next May for the 5 Boro Bike tour (link added to the Upcoming Events below) I'll release details as soon as they are available.
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