
Chiva Falls... on a Monday Afternoon

Magellan, El Hefe, Mr. 188, & The Mountain Goat rode Chiva Falls this afternoon. The weather was excellent and the falls were killer. To the riders we ran into at the falls you can find your pics here.


Help! Open More Nat'l Parks to Bikes

"At long last, the U.S. National Park Service (NPS) has proposed a rule change which will make it easier for parks to open trails for mountain biking. IMBA urges mountain bikers to register comments in support of the rule change. IMBA has been asking for this change since the 1990s. We now enter a 60-day commentary period to make the change official."

- taken from IMBA.com article 'Take Action to Increase Opportunities for Bicycling in National Parks'

Full IMBA Article
Register Comments


Specialized presents... The Nutcracker

Check out the link below... Specialized recorded a version of the Nutcracker Suite using only bicycle parts. At the end of the song it lists out all of the parts that were used in the recording. Thanks to Justin for the link.
The Nutcracker Suite


I turned the corner and saw this...

Neo, The Wolf, The Mexi-Can, El Hefe, & Magellan road The Chutes, Middle Gate, & Catalina State Park. The Wolf sat in a cactus (hence the picture above). El Hefe pulled an old school B-Rad move, forgot the shuttle car keys, and added an unplanned 7 mile climb to the ride.
tres videos y una imagen


Look out for La Migra...

IMBA has classified Kentucky Camp (outside of Patagonia, AZ) as 1 of the 44 "Epic Trails" in the United States. The Wolf, El Hefe, & Magellan drove down to ride a short out and back on this Epic trail. The threesome evaded a rancher, scared fourteen cows, dodged some bullets, fought crazy winds, and realized that you can't fire a pistol when the safety is on. All in all. A good ride.
More Pics
IMBA Epic Trails


NO TIE to Somali Pirates

The Sonoran Pirate Mountain Bike Team would like to make it very clear that there is NO TIE between the Somali Pirates who are reaping havoc off coast of East Africa and our bicycle team.

However, our lawyers have advised us that we still cannot comment on whether or not we have ties to Mad Max -or- Tupac Shakur (from the California Love video).


All Souls Procession - Tucson

On Sun, Nov 2nd McLovin & I witnessed the All Souls Procession downtown. It is based on the Christian/Latin holiday Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead). Everyone, sans us, had faces painted as skeletons. 10,000+ people & a tripped out Vegas rivaling performance. Check it out next year.
More Pics
Dia De Los Muertos
History - All Souls in Tucson


Operation Wet Frog Tour of The White Mtns 2008

Brad and Mclovin Raced the 37.5mi Tour of the White Mtns as you know and this is a little video of the Adventure in Show Low!



Movin' Time

Derek and I will be heading out Monday for Idaho. Missing the west too much, and we fell in love with Boise and the area. Mountain biking there seems like it will be plentiful. We'll let you know and post pictures from our rides when we can!


24 Hr. ITOP

Brad, Matt, Ed, & McLoven Need a Team Name....Any Thoughts?


Sonoran Pirates Jersy

I probably just spelled 'jersy' wrong up there. Jersey?...I don't know. I don't spell good. Anyway, I finally got around to finishing the shirt/jersy/sticker/lunch box/..whatever you want to put it on design. It defaults to a white, long-sleeved wicking shirt, but you can customize it onto anything else.
Sonoran Pirates shirt
Sonoran Pirates Shirt LInk


Let's Ride Colorado

We're putting together a plan to spend a week +/- in La Plata county (Silverton/Durango) this coming summer riding various trails. Any and all Pirates are welcome to join. Simple Baby is particularly invited!


La Más Reciente Pirata

The Sonoran Pirates welcome our newest member (pictured above): Mr. Derek Regan (aka McLovin). McLovin & B-Rad conquered a tough course and crazy weather in the Tour of the White Mountains on Saturday. B-Rad in typical epic fashion put in yet another top 10 finish. Results Link


C&O Canal Ride

It may not have been the Tour of the White Mountains, but we had a nice ride today. 25 miles with lunch in the middle following the Potomic River from somewhere in MD to Harpers Ferry, WV. Wish other Pirates could have been along...great day!


Little Ray Visiting

I'll be in Tucson for a week arriving Sunday. I'm looking to hang out/ride with as many pirates as possible.

Now, here's a picture of us from our ride yesterday.



First, check out http://www.bikeskills.com/. I love their how-2 videos. Maybe one of these days I'll master the descending right switchback.

Second, is it me, or is there a guy wearing a desert flightsuit in this picture, and how random is that?


Jones Bikes

Yesterday, Diana and I were out riding Patapsco, and we ran into a guy riding one of these. It was a pretty lucky set of cirmcumstances, as he was stopped at a cross-roads, and let us eye-ball his rig for a couple of minutes. (Well, anyone who pays almost $10k for a bike probably loves to talk about it.)

I'd seen this thing in numerous magazine articles, but seeing one up close was pretty cool, especially considering their scarcity. The whole thing is titanium. It weighs less than 20lbs (Single Speed), and actually has a decent degree of bump absorption from all that titanium.


New rider info added...

Oi! Lords & ladies. I just posted new rider info for Kerry & Derek Dunn (click the [rider info] link on the right). Bike Porn! Thanks for the info Kerry! If you're shizzle needs to be updated... let me know... suckas. Fo-sheezy.


New England Mountain Biking

Great example of a MTB "trail" in New England. Located on Case Mountain in Manchester CT.


FS: XT Shadow Rear Der and XT Rapid Fire Shifters

Hey guys, both of these came off my bike, both in excellent shape. Ill make a pirate a good deal, let me know.

FS: Sportworks Rack and 3rd bike add on.

Another rack for sale, its on craigslist now, but will sell it to a Pirate for cheaper. Fits 2" receiver, carries 2 or 3 bikes. Contact The Brad


Payson Stampede

Who is interested in doing the Payson Stampede this year. I know Ed is interested, Brad is in if we can find a team. Who else? McLoven, Josh, Lacey?



Riding Kingdom Trails in Vermont

Last minute trip to have some fun, planning on coming back in two weeks if any one else wants to join us! Kingdom Trails, over 100+ miles of mountain biking trails. All kinds of terrain, amazing single track, some incredible single direction trails that you can bomb down!


Cruisers, Cardboard, and Bubble Wrap

....or, just an excuse for Adam and his biking club to get drunk and waste packing materials.


Wed Night Ride Cancelled...

Ray and Diana's last night in town. We are having dinner at our place. Feel free to drop by and say goodbye.


big sorry to justin & dave...

lacey & I had unexpected guests last night... we drank too much... stayed up too long... and just couldn't make the ride... we suck...



This is no way to treat a Peloton!

Don't Shoot the Bed!

You have all heard the story. Now, see the evidence. As the carpet was being removed this morning, I noticed a disturbed section of carpet padding beneath the place our bed used to be. Look at what I found.


Warren Riding in Tour De Cure

Warren (my dad) is not deterred by his recent over-the-handlebars mountain biking incident. (aka a trip to the ER + a strained shoulder ligament). He is riding in Brighton, Michigan this Sunday (June 8th) in support of the American Diabetes Association Tour de Cure. Good luck!
Tour de Cure Website

Good Bye - Ray & Family

Well... Ray, Diane, Alexis, & Athena head off to Costa Rica in route to Maryland this week (odd route I have to admit). We are all very sad to see them leave Tucson. We love you guys! Keep your heads up pirates... we are planning to reconvene with Ray & his girls in New York City next May for the 5 Boro Bike tour (link added to the Upcoming Events below) I'll release details as soon as they are available.



Looking to upgrade

I've got the build kit for the Jamis Darkar XC Pro 06 now, and I can't wait to ride.  Think I can swap any of these parts?


Lube Test: Results

Okay, I've used this stuff for about 2 months now. I've used just on my bike, on one chain. I used at the 24 HIOP, and just around Tucson, so it's seen mostly dry use with a little bit of mud at the race.

My opinion of this stuff, is that it does work as advertised; if you use it the way you're supposed to. It lubes well and keeps your chain really clean. On the plus side, you can use it right before you ride, as opposed to Purple, which prefers to have had the chance to dry between application and riding. Another plus, is that there's nothing left to mystery as to how much you should wipe it off after you apply it. The instructions say "There's no such thing as wiping too much".

The downside, is that because the fluid (this stuff is made of fluid and small particles of solid lube) is a degreaser, you have to apply a crap load of it every time...and it's $10 a bottle. Also, it doesn't seem to last near as long as Purple.

So, Bottum line: If you like your chain to stay really clean all the time, never bother lubing your chain after riding, but do it 5 minutes before you ride, and don't mind spending extra money. It's a good lube.

But, I think I'll go back to Purple


Got $25? Free on April 19th?

Oi! We ran into a few cats from the Dawn to Dust MTB Club out of Sierra Vista at Fantasy Island last Sunday. They put on this "tour" each year in honor of a fallen club member. Its $25, all proceeds go back to the forest service for trail maintenance and such, you get a T-shirt and bag of swag, and you'll get to meet some cool catz from down south. Any takers? Lacey and I are planning on riding.
Dawn to Dust Website


Before you ship another bike

These are basically a G-limit indicator. They come in 5 different G ratings (this one is 50G). There's a little tube of liquid in the middle that has dye released into it if the package to which it's attached gets dropped hard enough; turning the tube red. They are made by www.shockwatch.com, and can be purchased for about $2.00 each from a variety of web sites. I discovered these while watching Mythbusters. They use them as cheap excellerometers all the time.