I buckled post theft and bought/built another Ellsworth Evolve 29er.
We now have several fool proof and redundant security systems established to safe guard our bicycles... the next prospective thief won't be so fortunate.
I converted my Surly Cross Check from a flat to a drop bar set-up.
Was that a custom build or stock? I'm guessing custom...I'm yearning for a new 29er. I haven't even looked at the Ellsworth line. Pricey?
custom... I bought each part seperately and then we built it in my garage... it is pricey... the retail on this build is a little more than $6k... if you want a hard tail... go with Surly or Rocky Mountain... all of the Full Suspension 29ers I know of have had issues with frames breaking (though the companies have all replaced the parts for free)... assuming the Ellsworth is out of range... then I would probably be riding the new Niner Rip...
What's your opinion of the Gary Fisher's? I have looked at the Niner's too. Full suspension is the way I'd like to go.
here is the deal with Trek, Gary Fisher, & Niner... the frames seem to always break... but the companies are really good about replacing the frames free of charge... now... I heard that Rocky Mountain was coming out with a full suspension 29er... so I guess my choices would go as follows... 1. ellsworth, 2. rocky mountain, 3. niner... Lance Uppercut has owned both a niner and gary fisher fs 29er... watcha think?
I have seen broken Ellsworth, I have seen broken Rocky Mountain, I have seen broken Niner and i have seen broken Fisher frames. I will say Niner and Fisher have the easiest warranty claims, Ellsworth is a pain in the ass to get anything done and do take the longest to get replacement parts, In fact,they have the shortest warranty time on their frames(2 years) Rocky Mountain you are dealing with a Canadian Company so it takes longer as well, but are easy and very willing to help you out.
Fisher has the best deal for the price you pay, but would be my last choice. Ill defend Niner cause i ride one and say that out of the many many Niner frames we have sold, i have only seen one other one besides my own which has broken. They all have broken in the same area and each time they replace the parts with a newer stronger version.
I wouldnt not buy a frame cause someone has seen one brake, they all brake, they all require maintenance and upkeep. If you ride your bike hard and a lot its going to cost more.
All of the above mentioned bikes are great bikes, buy the one that fits you best and gets you the most for the money you can spend!
El Grotto... Lance Uppercut works at one of the top mountain bike shops in Tucson... he sees more bicycles and warranty issues than all the rest of us combined... and I honestly value his opinion... with all that said... my order of preference is the same... 1. ellsworth, 2. rocky mountain, 3. niner 4. Gary Fisher... however... Brad is correct in saying that you really can't go wrong with any of these companies... ride a bunch... buy the one that feels good to you and your pocket book...
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