Our fellow Pirate B-RAD was out for a ride on his road bike this morning when he was cut off by a truck.
B-RAD is OK - scratched, bruised, angry, but OK.
His bike - not so good. He is going to have to replace pedals, shifters, seat etc.
B-RAD was riding in the BIKE LANE - when a truck cut him off to get into a parking lot. The policeman on site - ticketed B-RAD!! His ticket states that he was not riding far enough to the side of the bike lane. So, yes, he was in the bike lane - but apparently not far enough to the side!!! Can you believe it! Apparently - the bike lane is not all ours...only some portion of it.
The jack-ass in the truck was threatening to charge B-RAD for the damages to his truck. ABSOLUTELY INSANE.
B-RAD has pics with evidence of his skid marks on the pavement in the bike lane. He is going to fight the ticket.... Let hope he wins...