
how to buy a used bike...

I ran into this site today and a few things on it made me laugh (like this pic).


"Tough Guy" aka "Alphonse" aka "No Really I'm not 35" aka "The Creepy Guy @ the Pool" aka "Beaker" aka "The Shadow Dancer had a dream .......

and this was it

Tough Guy to ride H-zontal in El Tour

"Tough Guy" aka "Alphonse" aka "No Really I'm not 35" aka "The Creepy Guy @ the Pool" aka "Beaker" aka "The Shadow Dancer" has purportedly agreed to ride a tandem version of the H-Zontal bike with an unidentified male "companion" in the 2010 El Tour De Tucson.


12 & 24 hrs of Fury

Yo. We need at least one more rider to make a 4 man 24hr team or a 2nd 2 man 12 hour duo. UpperCut, McLoven, & Alphonse are in...... who else??

Your mom goes to College


"Lost Corn" Registered - 12 Hours of Fury

Masa & I are registered as a Duo in the 12 Hours of Fury @ McDowell Mountain Park in Phoenix on November 6th. Our team name is... The Sonoran Pirates Lost Corn. Any other pirates interested in joining us at this event? There is a 12 & 24 hour event going on at the same time. Check it out here... Fuuuuurrreee


Bug Springs Ride or Somewhere 8/7/10 6am

McLovin will be in town again this weekend and I am itching to ride the Sword of Darkness in its fully overhauled state. I would like to get a group together to ride Lemmon trails that Hefe, ToughGuy and Uppercut have been raving about. If no one is down with those trails I am open with ideas. I got a new truck so I can go anywhere! woooohooo