People. This is in our back freakin' yard and includes tons of beer. Even the trail-tarded amongst us could do this ride. Why haven't you organized? Why do we not have a team participating in this? Is it the $45 price tag? Like you all won't spend $45 on beer this weekend. Get it together people. Good lord. Don't let me down. This SUNDAY 4/19 (Tucson, Arizona).
urban assault info
Damnit! I leave Sunday!
Dude it's starts at noon - I may be sober by then - I'm in.
The Green Lantern & McLovin are named the Sonoran Pirate Donkey Chasers and are ready to Mob the City at noon. We will be planning our attack on Thursday as well as wearing costumes during our ride! hahahaha
Hefe & Pescadito are name Sonoran Pirates Rad Racing! Pescadito will be wearing a man thong....
rad racing sucks, you guys are going down
the real rad racers are so going to beat the other rad racing team
way to bite on our name...... and yes you probably are going to beat us because I am slow
Neo & Senor Masa are in!
See you there!
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