
Starr Pass Ride Saturday 6am?

I am going to be in town for the Labor day weekend. Lets all get together and do a Starr Pass ride at the trailhead 6am on Saturday 9/04/10... Everyone come the more the better!


Tough Guy said...

hey mclovin you suck. just kidding, i'll be there

Jake Boen said...

Thinking I'll join. Where is the trail head? OK.. breaking out the Cosmic Ray Fat Tire book...

Jake Boen said...

Ok I assume this is where we meet: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Starr+Pass+trailhead+tucson,+AZ&sll=32.215052,-111.04399&sspn=0.015159,0.017381&ie=UTF8&hq=Starr+Pass+trailhead&hnear=Tucson,+Pima,+Arizona&ll=32.205539,-111.046492&spn=0.001847,0.002173&t=h&z=19

Tough Guy said...

yep that's the one