The Sonoran Pirates (aka Son-Rats) is a team of mountain bikers from AZ, MI, CA, CO, MD, PA, UT, TX, ID & The U.K. The team was established in 2004.
Across the ranks they try and hold true to their fundamental belief that...
"the only thing that matters is that you ride... not how fast you ride... nor the gear upon which you ride."
hahaha.... reminds me of the elephant head race.. event promoter had our rides bungy corded to the top of his hooptie ride and mclovins bike which cost more then the car was floppin around.. hahaha, crazy mexicans
hahaha.... reminds me of the elephant head race.. event promoter had our rides bungy corded to the top of his hooptie ride and mclovins bike which cost more then the car was floppin around.. hahaha, crazy mexicans
that is Justin... he is in the Baltimore/DC area as we speak... FYI...
Justin was just here for dinner. He swears it was not him.
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