The Sonoran Pirates (aka Son-Rats) is a team of mountain bikers from AZ, MI, CA, CO, MD, PA, UT, TX, ID & The U.K. The team was established in 2004.
Across the ranks they try and hold true to their fundamental belief that...
"the only thing that matters is that you ride... not how fast you ride... nor the gear upon which you ride."
I'm down for Utah. Since I live here....anyone interested in doing the 24 hours at Moab? OH wait, I'm probably going to be in California at DLI.
I'd be willing to ride up there at the forest in PA if we could get it to coincide with Big Bear. Kill two birds with one stone if my bike is on the East Coast.
When? It all depends on when....
Dunno...just wondering if anyone even thought it looked interesting enough to think about.
I think that you guys should come west my dear friend! Utah!!! We should go riding there or Fruita? What do you think?
I'm down for Utah. Since I live here....anyone interested in doing the 24 hours at Moab? OH wait, I'm probably going to be in California at DLI.
I'd be willing to ride up there at the forest in PA if we could get it to coincide with Big Bear. Kill two birds with one stone if my bike is on the East Coast.
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