The Sonoran Pirates (aka Son-Rats) is a team of mountain bikers from AZ, MI, CA, CO, MD, PA, UT, TX, ID & The U.K. The team was established in 2004.
Across the ranks they try and hold true to their fundamental belief that...
"the only thing that matters is that you ride... not how fast you ride... nor the gear upon which you ride."
bye... bye... Columbia Trails
JnL ride the Columbia Trails before heading out to Tucson. pictures
you can drop the F bomb but we cant talk about your wiener?
in the middle of your ride, you were talking about lacey being up there somewhere. then you were "this is probably going to be super fucking bumpy" about in the middle. check it out.
you can drop the F bomb but we cant talk about your wiener?
where did I drop the F bomb?
in the middle of your ride, you were talking about lacey being up there somewhere. then you were "this is probably going to be super fucking bumpy" about in the middle. check it out.
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