The Sonoran Pirates (aka Son-Rats) is a team of mountain bikers from AZ, MI, CA, CO, MD, PA, UT, TX, ID & The U.K. The team was established in 2004.
Across the ranks they try and hold true to their fundamental belief that...
"the only thing that matters is that you ride... not how fast you ride... nor the gear upon which you ride."
Starr Pass - random dudes & guide (1:30pm)
Oi! Random dudes. Hope you had a good ride. Click the link below... pictures
I understand that you really like your new camera. But, perhaps snapping pictures of radom people and posting them on the internet borders on the unhealthy.
I understand that you really like your new camera. But, perhaps snapping pictures of radom people and posting them on the internet borders on the unhealthy.
Stay out of my bathroom while I'm pooping!
Yo man, it was a great ride. Thanks for posting the pics. - Random Rider Guy
what the hell is going on?
no problem random dude... I'm glad you liked the pics
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