What follows is the text conversation between Brad (at the 24 Hrs in The Sage in Gunison, CO.) and Joshua (at a Jazz concert in Columbia, MD.)
6:36 PM - Brad
"dude. the riders here are all bad ass."
7:54 PM - Joshua
"like you? got your post... little windy... site had 24 hits since
you started so call when you can... having fun?
8:46 PM - Brad
"having fun but need a couple extra lungs and new set of legs"
8:49 PM - Joshua
"altitude kicking your ass?"
8:49 PM - Brad
"among other things."
9:06 PM - Joshua
"ask ray how it compares to the big bear course"
9:07 PM - Brad
"not as long or slippery. this course is faster. and its better without you crying about bears. says ray"
9:24 PM - Joshua
"yeah... I can be annoying about bears... I'm f'n jealous you bastards :-("
9:25 PM - Joshua
"though I am drinking Dave's Pale Ale at a outdoor jazz concert so I got that over you... "
9:25 PM - Brad
"nice. have fun. get drunk."
9:36 PM - Joshua
"getting there... how are diane + alexus holding up?"
9:37 PM - Brad
"they are doing good. diane has done two already. they are done until morning."
9:38 PM - Joshua
"awesome... tell them we said good luck, eh... and ah... call into the blog..."
9:51 PM - Brad
"stopped by new belgium tent and talked the girl into a beer. its so tasty."
9:54 PM - Joshua
"beer equals slow brad... when is your next lap?"
9:55 PM - Brad
"Prob. 4 hours. I'll just have one. carbs dude."
9:56 PM - Joshua
"alcoholic. you can't have just one. good luck. says lacey."
10:03 PM - Brad
"once it hits the lips. i can't stop"
10:06 PM - Joshua
"that goes for anything that hits your lips"
No response...
1 comment:
Extra thanks to Josh for maintaining the site and keeping all the info posted while we raced. Wish you could have been there with us. There was no Chupacabra!
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